Outcome-Based Reporting

The CFO’s path to a strategic seat at the table 

Outcome-Based Reporting

The CFO’s path to a strategic seat at the table 

The key to financial success is foresight, not hindsight.

Value-add CFOs embrace outcome-based reporting, a philosophy that enables real-time budgeting and planning. Read our report to learn how to move away from “after-the-fact reporting” that businesses ignore toward agile planning processes that help organizations make profitable decisions.

In this white paper, Eventus and Mosaic seasoned financial professionals share proven methodologies on how to:

1. Think ahead.

Implement actionable tips to utilize reporting proactively rather than reactively.

2. Plan ahead.

Analyze present revenue and expenses to predict future cash flow.

3. Build ahead.

Fill data gaps to gain strategic value, and put profit-generating plans into action.

Prepare your financial leaders to think ahead, not look behind.

    Topics Covered

    • Introduction: The Room Where It Happens
    • What Is Outcome-Based Reporting?
    • How to Build Outcome-Based Reports
      • Start with Cash Flow and Profitability
      • Get a Deep Understanding of How the Business Makes Money
    • Bring Revenue and Expenses Together to Answer Strategic Business Questions
    • 4 Principles for Effective Outcome-Based Reporting
      • Have a “Good Enough” Mindset
      • Make Event-Based Decisions
      • Find the Right Level of Granularity and Timeliness of Data
      • Prioritize Collaborative Relationships
    • Conclusion: Bridge the Data Gap to Strategic Value